Does a nickname just come naturally?
I mean, should it flow from the brain to the tongue and out the mouth like honey (I guess honey doesn't flow from the brain, but you feel me, right?) or should it be premeditated and require conscious repetition in order for the name to stick? Andy has been trying to think of the perfect nickname for Norah for the past . . . well, 10 1/2 weeks. And me? I've got a few honey-like names--Norah Jorah, No Jo, and, most often, Sweetie Sweetzers. Andy disapproves of the latter primarily because, "it sounds like something Lyric (my sister) would say." Not that he has a problem with that--it's just that he says we can't claim it as our own. Further, he swears never to call her by that name even though I think it flows and is appropriate. His attempts at a nickname, however, are Ladybug (which he's maybe called her once) and Cutie Buttons (which sounds like something our friends Bruce and Emily Hinchey would call each other as a joke).
If anyone besides the Hincheys has any nickname suggestions, feel free to throw 'em out there. Lyric once called Norah Peanut, but then found out that she's in the 95th percentile for height and weight. The name was quickly changed to Cashew, which still might not be accurate.
As for me, Sweetie Sweetzers has stuck. I say it all the time. And considering Andy is a dialogue sponge, I'm sure that name will flow off his tongue sooner or later. I mean, c'mon. Just look at her. Sweetie Sweetzers just fits. I'm sure you all agree.
Hey this has nothing to do with your cute post about nick names but I totally lost your thank you note from Masaru's party and I'm bumming out about it.
It was all hand made and said nice stuff in it and Masaru wrote in it.
So sorry man.
But thanks for coming and for the gift.
If it turns up within the next 2 weeks I'll give it to you.
As a matter of fact, I think Bruce has called me Cutie Buttons before...
How about Norah the Explorah? It's also cute to add "Bean" and "Pie" to the end of baby names. All pastries, in fact, are good-- Norah Cakes, Norah Muffin, Cupcake Norah. We occasionally call Claire Princess Cupcake.
I could go on, but I'll spare you.
Funny post Hil! I think nicknames just kinda happen. For some reason we've started calling Calvin- Calvino. Probably because of his his latin heritage! Ha, ha! Not really.I don't think the kid could get more white people for his parents.
My dad had nicknames for all us kids. Andrew, I believe, was Bubba. Maybe you could make a feminine derivative from that. Bubbalina, Bubbina, Bubbalicious, Bubbalulu.
Good luck.
I wish Kenley's actual NAME would flow from my mouth as easily as all of her nicknames: Keke, Keeks, Kika Lika Sue and my personal favorite: Stinker Buttons. Which sometimes get shortened to Stinky Button. :)
Whenever I eat mixed nuts, the biggest ones are always the Brazil nuts, but I don't think that would be a very cute nickname. Nor does it roll off the tongue like honey. So, yeah, I think you should stay away from the nut theme. I have no other good suggestions.
No offense taken...ANDY!! And just for the record, we use Sweetie Sweeters (without the "z") quite often around here! Steve's nickname for Sophie is Beaver. I have no idea where it originated, but I love that that the crudeness that has been associated with that lovely animal has been erased for us! Infact, sometimes he calls me Big Beaver! As for Norah, I'm still thinking, and I'll put the nickname guru (Steve) to work on it. Our concoction may not stick for you and ANDY but in The House of Paynes we march to the beat of our own drummer!!
She does look kind of like a sweeter sweetzies
Your blog is so funny, I am letting you know I will be stalking it now! (They call it following but let's be honest it's stalking.)
Not sure- My nicknames evolved from my name. We call Dawnley all kinds of little names. One of us started calling her baby doll, then dolly. Thing is - to me she looks like a little dolly, I play dress up and everything! Sounds very close to Dawnley. Thing is - sometimes I don't know if I say Dolly or Dawnley. :-) Terance calls her stink pot sometimes. Not too endearing, but in certain circumstances it rings true. Good luck with that. I'll think about one for her. Off the top of my head - Norah - Adora (not to be confused with Dora the Explorer).
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