Tuesday, May 4, 2010

31 Reasons Why I Love My Husband (Okay, Okay, I'll Narrow it Down)

10. He wears this green striped hooded sweatshirt that was cool for 16 year-old skaters to wear about 5 years ago and doesn't care that I think it's ugly.

9. He doesn't get mad at me when I spend $60 on a white noise machine for Norah even though we're flat broke.

8. He LOVES changing Norah's diaper.

7. He writes little love notes on Post-It notes and places them in conspicuous places. Like, one time I opened the fridge and read a note that said, "Me + You = Booya."

6. One time I got a note in the mail. It was a phone call message form taped to a 3X5 card. It read, "JT called. He said he wants his sexy back."

5. He actually wears the pajama bottoms I made for him for Valentine's Day last year.

4. He says words like hugsies and snugglesies.

3. He lets me cut his hair.

2. He spends a bazillion hours studying so he can kick booty in school and hopefully get a good job.

1. Then he comes home and takes care of Norah so I can have a break.

0. Then he wakes up early in the morning and does it all over again.

-1. He doesn't make me feel like an idiot when I misuse words like "literally."

-2. He gave me Norah.

And the number -3 reason why I love my husband . . .

He loves me, thinks I'm great, and literally worships the ground I walk on. I'm pretty dang lucky. Happy Birthday, Sweetie!


Strawn Fairy Tales said...

Adorable! Happy Birthday Andy Jorgensen!

Shellee said...

tHat was a cute post. Happy bday andrew

Melissa said...

Masaru and Yuki think you're one of the most awesome people they know.
Dru and I don't think you're too shabby either.
Had I knows I would've made you a cool cake.

Molly said...

What a sweet post Hilary. I know you two are a match made in Heaven. I'm glad you found each other.
Oh and Happy Birthday Bro(a little belated) Loves you lots!

Lyric Payne said...

Why do I love Andy so much...oh, that's why - because he treats my lil sis like the honey she is! Happy birthday Andy. You have a late birthday card coming in the mail. Max picked it...kind of!

Sijbrich said...

Yeah, I still remember when you were so not into him and you pointed him out to me at that garden party my bro was performing at. So many people thought you were crazy for not jumping him at his first sign of interest in you. I think a lot of people are glad you finally came to your senses.
And he's got connections with JT? What more could a girl want?
Happy birthday, Andy. Hope you take a break from studying to eat some cake.
When are you guys gonna be in town for the summer?

Cali said...

That is the cutest blog I have ever read. Andy, I'm sorry I forgot your birthday. So happy late birthday. I don't have one of our family calendars, so I never know when birthdays are. I hope you had a great day. I love your stinkin' guts.

Jodiane said...

andy is a catch. you have documented it. But you two deserve each other. And norah is the coolest and cutest.