Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I love autumn. The season of sweaters and no coat; tee shirts with a jacket; sixty degree days, little rain; pumpkins, leaves and Thanksgiving. During these couple months out of the year, Mother Earth and I have a special understanding. She and I are on totally different wave lengths from December to August, but come September, she really gets me, you know?

However, I've inherited a disease (undoubtedly from my father). As soon as the air gets slightly brisk nudging me towards my cocoa stash in the evenings I am severely tempted to listen to Christmas music--be it December or September. I just wanna turn the lights down low and snuggle up to a book and Kenny G. Andy knows that autumn is my favorite time of year but insists that listening to Josh Grobin's Noel album in October is "like punching fall in the face."

Am I disrespecting Mama Earth at a time when she does so much to make me happy?


Lyric Payne said...

That is one of the best entries I have read in a blog for a long time. You are a fabulous writer and I was laughing with tears in my eyes. I love Andy's comment too. Tell Andy that anything goes while you are on bedrest, no matter what the season. I can't wait to see you next week. Also, I will try to call you sometime when I am bored in the car so you can possibly be a little un-bored. This might be the first time when you don't screen my calls!

Hilary Jorgensen said...

Thanks for loving Christmas too, cookie

Quinn, Alexis, Jayden, and Owen Brown said...

i love christmas too hil. and why don't you call me cookie? lyric's always been your favorite sister! anyways, (sniff), i think that you should blog every day...actually twice a day, just so that everyone can laugh at least twice a day.
oh, and even though i was tempted to put on the noel tunes yesterday, i couldn't get myself to do it because sadly, i agree with andy.