Sunday, November 9, 2008


Have you ever known somebody that you thought you knew fairly well, but then they showed up to a Halloween party toting a carved pumpkin that made you question whether or not you really did know them in the first place? This carved pumpkin busted everybody up and would have made my dad (and now Andy too) say, "That's not nice."

That comment may well be said of Andy's first Halloween costume. In case it's not guessable, he's a Piece of Crap (he even had Tootsie Rolls to offer--which inspired his other costume). Notice that for our second Halloween party (the church one), all Andy changed were his accessories.
A couple weeks ago, Andy and I had a getaway to Coeur d'Alene. Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. On the drive home, Andy asked me three random questions.

1. When the Hoover Dam is holding back as much water as it possibly can, how many more drops of water will it take before the entire thing breaks?
2. If you fill up a water balloon to its recommended max, how many more drops of water do you think it will hold before it bursts?
3. You know how you can fill a glass of water so full that the water is above the rim of the glass? How much more water can that glass really hold?

He asked these questions in quick succession and I had no idea where he was going with this. Immediately he started whining that he had to use the bathroom sooooo bad. I think maybe his eyes were even watering. He pulled over and ran into the woods to release some tainted water. He got back to the car and said, "Man, I'm lucky I didn't get hurt in there. I saw a huge albino python spitting all over the place" (how's that for phallic symbol, Katie?).

That's not nice.


Melissa said...

Isn't this more like an R?

Molly said...

Have you ever thought you knew a certain married couple pretty well and then they write a post like this one?
Things that make you go hmmmm.

Katie L. said...


Dying. Absolutely dying.

Remind me sometime to tell you my humping donkeys story. Given that jack 'o' lantern, I think you can take it.

Sijbrich said...

Man, when I was hanging out with you guys I just thought you were acting that way because you were engaged and couldn't wait to get married. Little did I know...

Hilary Jorgensen said...

I need to clarify: Andy and I didn't carve the pumpkin. I don't want to mention any names, but their last name starts with "C" and ends in "ahoon".

Lyric Payne said...

I think this is a little closer to soft porn. Please keep it clean, my kids are usually behind me watching. They saw Lexi's video clip of two humping rabbits, so now I already have to discuss the birds and the bees with them. Just kidding, Maxwell actually had no idea what was going on in the video and didn't even ask any questions...whew!!

Katie L. said...

Hilary. Seriously. You're *seriously* going to try to pass the cats off on the sweet, adorable, innocent little Cahoons? Puh-leeze! I absolutely know you're behind it. No pun intended.

Hilary Jorgensen said...

Katie, that's not nice.