Friday, May 20, 2011

Guess Who Graduated Summa Cum Laude

My smart little hubby. He's gonna hate that I posted this, but I'm just so proud I can't keep my mouth shut.


Molly said...

I'm so proud I can hardly keep from commenting so here it is...
Way to Go Andrew!!! You've accomplished so much and you're just getting started!

Melissa said...

What does Summa Cum Laude mean?
Congrats Andy, must be a huge deal.

Cicily said...

I'm so proud of you brother! You rock!

Emily said...

That smarty pants! Congrats to him, and to you for supporting him, and to Norah for feeling better! PS Cute hair. Me likey!

Sijbrich said...

Congratulations, Andy.
Graduation caps are so weird looking. I'd like to know who invented them. Did Andy happen to learn that in law school?
Looking forward to you guys coming back to town. We'll have to take the toddlers to the zoo or something.

etreiersen said...

Congratulations Andy what a big accomplishment! Congratulations to you too Hilary for holding down the fort at home so Andy could study 80 hours a week. We are going to miss you guys.

Shellee said...

yeah. Law school is hard enough let alone doing it super duper well. congrats andrew!!! on to the real world now:)

Erin Darrington said...

Way to go Andrew! I graduated Hakuna Ma Ta tay.
That's awesome buddy!

Terance-N-Jaime said...

See - there's hope for Norah. ;-) Terance graduated in the top 1% in his program. (He was the only one to graduate with a Masters in Secondary Education). Hee hee!! Having fun packing yet?

Cindy Zickgraf said...

Congrats! Hilary that is awesome you are prego again and a best friend for Nora too! I love the name Juniper, sooo cute. I don't know what I am having. When are you due? I am due mid October. So fun, where are you all living these days?

the mortensen's said...

your hair is fantastic!

Emily said...

Me again. I'm ready for another post. Post! Post! Post! Post!