I walked into my house a few years ago after work one day to find a bazillion Post-It notes plastered all over everything saying things like, "What makes me happiest is when I can make you happy." or "Thank you for inventing kissing with me. Good work! We make a good research and development team." or "I love (and here I'm writing to your bum cheeks, not to you directly, Hilary) you two." We were engaged 5 minutes later.
Valentine's Day 2011 was reminiscent of Engagement Day 2008. I woke up in the morning to find Post-Its plastered everywhere. Here's one of my favorite.
If you don't know where these lines come from, I'm not actually sure if I wanna be your friend anymore.
Too bad we can't be friends anymore. I don't know where those lines are from. Andy is funny!
Sound of Music. Andrew is very sweet.
How cute is that?
Seriously.... so cute. Andrew could give my husband some lessons. :)
andy is such a ux... (can you please finish the word for me?)
Ok so usually I like to be "funny" and perhaps I still will be on this comment but for now I'm gonna be serious.
This post seriously made me cry for 2 reasons:
1. I'm so very happy and thankful you(and I'm talking to you Andrew, not your bum cheeks) found someone who could help you be happy and whole and so darn sweet.
I worried for a long time that you wouldn't find "the one". And obviously you did.
2. I'm a little sad(and jealous) because Lee used to write me notes and do surprising thoughtful things like that and I used to as well and it makes me miss it a little. NOw, having said that we're still madly in love but life(kids) get in the way and you just lose steam for that kind of things...but we shouldn't, that's my point. Now where did I put that pad of sticky notes? I got me some notes to write.
I'm currently the Marriage and Family Relations teacher in my ward and Andy would have gotten an enthusiastic 2 thumbs up from me a week and a half ago during our lesson, since we talked about how the little things often keep a marriage healthy.
I'm not a huge musicals fan, but I am proud of myself for immediately knowing what movie that line is from. Phew.
Okay...it took me a minute but now I can just hear Julie Andrews! Andy, thanks for being such an amazing husband to my lil sis. Who knew she would get the most romantic husband out of all six sisters? Steve is a close sixth!!! Although, he makes up for it in pretty much every other way possible!
Okay, now I'm second guessing myself. Maybe it was the captain singing it, because I can hear his voice as well. Help me out here.
nothing comes from nothing..........
I HAVE to have Ryan read this. Maybe he will get a hint.
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